U Zay Yar Lin's Profile

U Zay Yar Lin

Education: BA(Eco), Dip of Marketing

Occupation: Project Communication Officer

Course(s): 3

Zayar Linn is a Trainer and Project Communication Officer at Pañña Institute. Zayar graduated B.A(Economics) at the Dagon University and Post-Graduate Diploma in Marketing from Yangon University of Economics. As a Trainer, Zayar lead various civic education programs, training and federalism workshops which were conducted by the coordination with the Forum of Federations (FOF). Zayar have five years’ experience in civic education field since 2013 and two years’ experience in federalism since 2015 and had good experiences and skill in the facilitation, training and project coordination. Zayar is working as a Project Communication Officer for Civil Service Training Program which is a joint collaborated by Ministry of Information and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung since 2016.

Courses taught by U Zay Yar Lin
