Global Liberalism Fellowship - Batch 2 (2020)

Who should attend?

Anyone interested to learn about liberalism and its values are welcomed to participate in the component of liberal theories. Student must enroll and finish the first component in order to participate in the capstone research. Each student is expected to produce one research essay at the end of the capstone research. Therefore, if students are not interested in writing, it is recommended to enroll only the first part, the course on liberal theories

Course Summary

There are two components in the online course: liberal theories and capstone research. The online course on liberal theories offers students insights in the origins and types of liberal politics from a global perspective. It focuses on different political issues showing the theoretical and historical underpinnings of modern liberal models.

The course on capstone research will provide guidance and supervision for the students to transform these knowledge into analyzing contemporary Myanmar context. Students are asked to write one research essay of their favorite topic. There would be individual feedbacks and mentorship to finish the research alongside some instructions and presentations on academic writing, research methodology and trainings.

About the Course

There are two components in the online course: liberal theories and capstone research. The online course on liberal theories offers students insights in the origins and types of liberal politics from a global perspective. It focuses on different political issues showing the theoretical and historical underpinnings of modern liberal models. In the theory course, students will learn about the following topics in general: - The age of Atlantic Revolutions: The American and French Revolution - The concept of liberty and the history of Enlightenment Thought - Liberalism, Nationalism, Marxism, Fascism and Colonialism - Liberal Dilemmas and contemporary Liberal Debates: - Liberal Democracy and its basic principles Students will read the works of Thomas Paine, John Locke, Benjamin Constant, Montesquieu, John Stuart Mill, Alexis De Tocqueville, Karl Marx, Claude Lefort, Edward Said, Karl Popper, Hannah Arendt, and other famous liberal scholars from around the world. Students will be asked to discuss terminologies, liberal debates, liberal dilemmas and how they apply in the histrorical and the modern context of the world. The course on capstone research will provide guidance and supervision for the students to transform these knowledge into analyzing contemporary Myanmar context. Students are asked to write one research essay of their favorite topic. There would be individual feedbacks and mentorship to finish the research alongside some instructions and presentations on academic writing, research methodology and trainings.

Learning Procedure

The course on Liberal Theories
- Students have to watch and study uploaded videos, powerpoints and texts weekly.
- Students  have to answer short questions and multiple  choice according to  the instruction of Dr. Bart.
- Students have to participate in online discussion with Hnin Wint Naing (Assistant Lecturer and Research Supervisor) on Facebook Group or Zoom.
- Students have to discuss online discussion with the facilitators on Facebook Group or Zoom.
- Students must complete only the course on Liberal Theories to get certificate for "Global Liberalism".

Capstone Research
If students are selected to continue on Capstone Research,
- They have to write a motivation letter (minimum 300 words) since they apply to this program.
- They have to research in provided guidance of an expert local researcher and supervision of Hnin Wint Naing (Assistant Lecturer and Research Supervisor)
- They have to write one research essay of  their favorite topic.


Dr. Bart Verheijen

Dr. Bart Verheijen

Ph.D (Napoleonic Europe and Nationalism)

Course Instructor

Dr. Bart Verheijen holds his PhD in Napoleonic Europe and Nationalism. He also studied history and philosophy in the Netherlands and France. His publications include works on the French Revolution and... More

Hnin Wint Naing

Hnin Wint Naing

M.Sc (Global Governance and Diplomacy), St.Hugh's, Oxford University

Assistant Lecturer and Research Supervisor

Hnin Wint Naing is an Executive Programme Manager for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Myanmar Office, FNF Myanmar. She holds her M.Sc in Global Governance and Diplomacy from St. Hugh’s, O... More


Week 1

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 42:13 min (VIDEO)


Step 1
- You watch the lecture video: week 1 assignment 1.
- Read the American Declaration of Independence.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 1 assignment 1.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 2
- You watch the lecture video: week 1 assignment 2.
- Read Thomas Paine, “Common Sense”.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 1 assignment 2.
- Note down the answer to the questions given in the video.

Step 3
- You watch the lecture video: week 1 assignment 3.
- Study the Powerpoint Slides on John Locke.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 1 assignment 3.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 4
- You answer the quiz for week 1.

Step 5
- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week (optional).

10 Video(s), 6 Reading(s)

Week 01 (First Introduction)

Week 01 (Assignment 01)

Declaration of independence (PDF)

Week 01 (Assignment 02)

Thomas Paine Common Sense 1776 (PDF)

Week 01 (Assignment 03)

Lecture 1 The age of Atlantic Revolutions (PDF, powerpoint))

Locke Two treatises of government (PDF)

Week 01 (Assignment 04)

Declaration of the rights of man 1789 (PDF)

Reading material week 1 Mckay History of Western Society Final (PDF)

VIDEO 1 A Brief History of America's Independence_ Part 1_ (Revolutionary War) - 321Learning

VIDEO 2 Marseillaise

VIDEO 3 The French Revolution -In a Nutshell



Week 2

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 23:13 min (VIDE0)


Step 1
- Watch the lecture video: week 2 assignment 1.
- Read Benjamin Constant, Chapter 5.
- (Optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 1 assignment 1.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 2
- Watch the lecture video: week 2 assignment 2.
- Watch video 1: separation of powers. (optional)
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 2 assignment 2.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 3
- Answer the quiz for week 2.

Step 4
- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week. (optional)

4 Video(s), 4 Reading(s)

Week 02 (Assignment 01)

Benjamin Constant- the Liberty of the Ancients and the moderns (PDF)

Week 02 (Assignment 02)

BOOK XI Montesquieu First Part (PDF)

Lecture 2 - Liberalism in 19th century (PDF, powerpoint)

Reading Material Lecture 2 (PDF)

VIDEO 1 Separation of Powers

VIDEO 2 The Civil War Part 2 Crash Course US History 21

Week 3

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 27:44 min (VIDEO)


Step 1
- Watch the lecture video: week 3 assignment 1.
- Read the introduction of the famous work of Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America. Also view the powerpoint presentation.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 3 assignment 1.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 2
- Watch the lecture video: week 3 assignment 2.
- Read the introduction from On liberty by John Stuart Mill. Also view the powerpoint presentation.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 3 assignment 2.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 3
- Answer the quiz for week 3.

Step 4
- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week. (optional)

4 Video(s), 2 Reading(s)

Week 03 Assignment 01

Week 03 Assignment 02

Homework Introduction from Mill, On Liberty

Lecture 3 John Stuart Mill and utilitarianism

Movie 1 Utilitarianism Crash Course Philosophy 36

Movie 2 SOCIOLOGY - Alexis De Tocqueville

Week 4

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 24:02 min (VIDEO)


Step 1
- Watch the lecture video: week 4 assignment 1.
- Read the first chapter of the famous Pamphlet by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Manifesto of the communist Party. Also view the powerpoint presentation.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 4 assignment 1.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 2
- Watch the lecture video: week 4 assignment 2.
- Read the poem The White Man’s Burden, in which Kipling gives a justification for imperialism and colonialism.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 4 assignment 2.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 3
- Answer the quiz for week 4.

Step 4
- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week. (optional)

4 Video(s), 7 Reading(s)

Week 04 Assignment 01

Homework First Chapter Communist Manifesto Marx (PDF)

Lecture 4 Marxism,Nationalism and Colonialism (PDF, powerpoint)

Week 04 Assignment 02

Homework The White Man’s burden (PDF)

Reading Material Lecture 3 (PDF)

Reading Material Llecture 4.1 (PDF)

Reading Materia Lecture 4.2 (PDF)

Homework Introduction from Alexis-de-Tocqueville-Democracy-in-America Volume 1 and 2 (PDF)


VIDEO 2 National Identity and Nationalism

Week 5

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 37:18 min (VIDEO)


Step 1
- Watch the lecture video: week 5 assignment 1.
- Read the famous text from Ernest Renan, What is a nation (1882).
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 5 assignment 1.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 2
- Watch the lecture video: week 5 assignment 2.
- Read the famous speeches from Vladimir Lenin (1917)- The state and Revolution.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 5 assignment 2.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 3
- Answer the quiz for week 5.

Step 4
- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week. (optional)

6 Video(s), 4 Reading(s)

Week 05 Assignment 01

Homework Renan What is a Nation (PDF)

Week 05 Assignment 02

Homework Vladimir Lenin The State and Revolution 1917 (PDF)

Lecture 5 The Rise of Nationalism after 1870 (PDF, powerpoint)

Reading Material Lecture 5 (PDF)

VIDEO 1 National Identity and Nationalism

VIDEO 2 The Internationale (English)

VIDEO 3 Epic History World War One - 1914

VIDEO 4 The Rise Of The Soviet Union

Week 6

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 36:40 min (VIDEO)


- Watch the short video clip from Hitler's speech from the propaganda video (1985) triumph of the Will.

- Note down the following:
- How does Hitler define the political task of his party? And, How does Hitler
define the political state Germany (as reich?)
- Definitions of Fascism and Nazism.

4 Video(s), 2 Reading(s)

Week 06 Assignment 01

VIDEO 1 Adolf Hitler Closing Speech Triumph Of The Will (1934 English Subtitles)

Week 06 Assignment 02 & 03

VIDEO 2 World War II - A Short Documentary

Lecture 6 The End of Liberalism (PDF, powerpoint)

Reading Material Lecture 6 (PDF)

Week 7

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 22:50 min (VIDEO)


Step 1
- Watch the lecture video: week 7 assignment 1 and 2.
- Learn powerpoint presentation.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 7 assignment 1 and 2.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 2
- Answer the quiz for week 7.

Step 3
- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week. (optional)

2 Video(s), 2 Reading(s)

Week 07 Assignment 01 & 02

Lecture 7 The End of Liberalism (2) (PDF, powerpoint)

Reading Material Lecture 7 (PDF)

VIDEO 1 The Russian Revolution 1917

Week 8

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 39:90 min (VIDEO)


Step 1
- Watch the lecture video: week 8 assignment 1.
- Read the introduction from Hannah Arendt’s book, The origins of totalitarianism (New York; Meridian Books; 2nd edition 1958). You can also use the PowerPoint lecture to answer the questions.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 8 assignment 1
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 2
- Watch the lecture video: week 8 assignment 2.
- Read the introduction from Karl Popper’s book, The open society and its enemies (London; Routledge 1945)
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 8 assignment 2.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 3
- Answer all the quizzes.

- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week. (optional)

4 Video(s), 4 Reading(s)

Week 08 Assignment 01

Homework Introduction from Arendt

Week 08 Assignment 02

Homework Introduction from Popper_Karl

Lecture 8 (Powerpoint)

Reading Material Lecture 8

Video 1 Hannah Arendt Final Speech

Video 2 Karl Popper Interview

Week 9

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 62:21 min (VIDEO)


Step 1
- Watch the lecture video: week 9 assignment 1 & 2.
- Read the introduction from Edward Said' famous book Orientalism. Focus on the first part of the introduction.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 9 assignment 1 & 2.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 2
- Answer all the quizzes.

Step 3
- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week. (optional)

4 Video(s), 3 Reading(s)

Week 09 Assignment 01 & 02

Homework Introduction from Said_Edward_Orientalism_1979 (PDF)

Lecture 9 decolonization and orientalism (PDF powerpoint)

Reading material lecture 9 (PDF)

VIDEO 1 Decolonization And Nationalism Triumphant Crash Course World History 40

VIDEO 2 Edward Said - An Introduction to Orientalism

VIDEO 3 Edward Said On Orientalism

Week 10

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 47:78 min (VIDEO)


Step 1
- Watch the lecture video: week 10 assignment 1.
- Read the introduction to the famous book by Fukuyama, The end of history and the last man (New York 1992) pp. xi-xxiii
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 10 assignment 1.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 2
- Watch the lecture video: week 10 assignment 2.
- Watch the interview with Pankaj Mishra.
- (optional) rewatch the lecture video: week 10 assignment 1.
- Note down the answer to the question given in the video.

Step 3
- Answer all the quizzes.

Step 4
- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week. (optional)

5 Video(s), 3 Reading(s)

Week 10 Assignment 01

Homework Introduction 1992-Fukuyama (PDF)

VIDEO 1 fukuyama explains his theory

Week 10 Assignment 02

VIDEO 3 On Contact Age Of Anger With Pankaj Mishra

Lecture 10 Liberalism (PDF powerpoint)

Reading material lecture 10 (PDF)

VIDEO 2 Samuel Huntington on the Clash of Civilizations (1)

Week 11

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 26:90 min (VIDEO)


Step 1
- Read the pages from Rawls' famous book A theory of Justice. Also: Do your own research. There is a lot of background information on Rawls. You may also use the Lecture Powerpoint.

Step 2
- If you have time you may also read the excellent essay by the philosopher Berlin.

Step 3
- Answer all the quizzes.

Step 4
- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week. (optional)

4 Video(s), 3 Reading(s)

Week 11 Assignment 01

Homework J Rawls A Theory of Justice (PDF)

Week 11 Assignment 02

Lecture 11 Rawls Nozick (PDF, powerpoint)

Extra Homework Berlin Two concepts of liberty

VIDEO 1 What Is Justice Crash Course Philosophy 40


Week 12

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 00:00 min (VIDEO)


Step 1.
- Watch the speech of former USA president Obama, during the commemoration lecture of Nelson Mandela in July 2018 in South Africa. Read the full text of the speech following the link above. Obama defines democracy and warns against the currents that are threatening democracy.

Step 2
- Answer all quizzes.

Step 3
- You can study all other materials and videos listed in this week. (optional)

1 Video(s), 1 Reading(s)

Lecture 12 Liberal concepts (PDF, powerpoint)

VIDEO 1 Strongman politics are ascendant suddenly Key moments from Obamas Mandela lecture

Capstone Research Course

Faculties : Dr. Bart Verheijen|;|2081|:|Hnin Wint Naing|;|2082
Commitment : 00:00 min (VIDEO)

4 Reading(s)


1. How to write an Research plan for a academic paper (1)

2. Research Paper writing part

Research Plan example 1

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